Portal stories mel chapter 3
Portal stories mel chapter 3

I knew this was going to be hard but I should have found one by now.” He went picking through the parts that he'd found in some of the lower levels of aperture where a lot of it was out of GLaDOS' reach and could not truly be repaired. At the very moment, he had actually been working on something for himself! The Maintenance Core was very good at his job, but not well enough off to repair some of the major damages that had been done, so he was currently leaving that to the big lady. Now the entire facility had been broke, split at the rims, and thrown about in some mad, power hungry fray. What really made him mad was some of the things he had recently collected had been broken when GLaDOS was knocked off her throne by some rogue core. Some of the old tools and parts that had been in there were no longer usable and had rusted away, but he could get more.

portal stories mel chapter 3

It was a little under used, but since GLaDOS had come back into power it was getting a shiny new upgrade. Virgil's shell shuttered at the thought, the round ball of metal hanging tightly to his management rail and picking through some spare parts back in the repair wing. Stranded on a heaping pile of garbage, with no way of retrieval and a shattered, glitchy optic lens that made it a little difficult to see out of. In some cases, a robot might find themselves active but immobile, and there for unable to complete their usual tasks. Some things stopped working completely, others went about their days trying to fulfill the purpose they were made for as best they could.

portal stories mel chapter 3

GLaDOS' defeat at the hands of the tenacious human all those years ago had been both liberation and discord, leaving the testing chambers and all other obstacles, stair ways, and factories in a state of decay. More than ever, the robots that inhabited the facility were busy, and after such a long, undisturbed rest. Things in Aperture had turned absolutely sideways.

Portal stories mel chapter 3